16/12/05 (B329) Radio-Trottoir : certains proches du régime, établis au Canada, tentant d’intervenir sur les forums somaliens, sont obligés de se mettre à l’Anglais. En dépit de leur grand niveau de culture, ils maitrisent mal la langue et se mettent à plagier … ce qui provoque un éclat général de rire. (Info lecteur)

Certains Djiboutiens, surtout ceux qui sont proches du régime de Guelleh, préfèrent plagier en Anglais plutôt que de débattre en Français

De nombreux Djiboutiens, en particulier ceux qui vivent a l’étranger, s’impliquent de plus en plus dans la politique somalienne. Ce fait s’explique aisément en raison des similitudes culturelles et ethniques.

Cependant, nos concitoyens se trouvent ainsi obligés de débattre en Anglais, et pour ceux pour qui la langue de Shakespeare représente encore des difficultés, le plagiat pure et simple est tentant.

L’exemple le plus saisissant à cet égard est fourni par un Djiboutien d’Ottawa, Abdillahi Mohamed Saad, (Cabdillahi Cunaaye) dont les plagiats systématiques font la risée des lecteurs anglophones. Voici deux extraits d’un document qui est largement diffusé sur la toile.

Table 1: Similarities between Abdillahi Mohamed Saad first article, Electoral injustice in Somaliland,

and University of Toronto test case,

Electoral injustice in Somaliland
University of Toronto
test case
“Our current system of electoral injustice is not justified, as some would say, on the basis that it promotes stability, avoids political upheaval observed in many parts in Africa” “Similarly, our current system of electoral injustice is not justified, as some would say,! on the basis that it promotes stability, and avoids the political upheaval observed in other countries like Israel and Italy”
“This alleged justification is embarrassingly vulnerable to the facts, which demo! nstrates that such instability is the result of factors in the political environment of these countries which are not duplicated in Somaliland” “This alleged justification is embarrassingly vulnerable to the facts, which demonstrates that such instability is the result of factors in the political environment of the! se countries which are not duplicated in Canada”
“In almost every democratic country in the world election laws are based on the principal of proportionality , in which the constituencies are represented in parliament in accordance with the percentage of! votes each receives.” “In almost every other democratic country, election laws are based on the principle of proportionality, in which parties are represented in Parliament in accordance with the percentage of votes each receives.”
“The electoral system of Somaliland suffers a huge democratic deficit . it strikingly misrepresents the popular will of the people.” “Second, our electoral system, paradoxically, suffers a huge democratic deficit. It strikingly misrepresents the popular will in Parliament”

Table 2: Similarities between Abdillahi Mohamed Saad first article, Electoral injustice in Somaliland,

and Women and politics in South Australia,



Electoral injus tice in Somaliland Women and politics in South Australia
“A state in a pure democracy, draws no … distinctions between man and man … but conceives that all who form the community shall have a right to share in its representation…views every man as politically equal. “But the State in a pure democracy, draws no … distinctions between man and man … but … conceives that all who form the community shall have a right to share in its representation … views every man as politically equal”
“Political equality I understand to be something very different from the common
views of it. It does not mean that if one man holds an opinion that is popular it shall be of use to him in obtaining a representative; while another man’s which is unpopular, shall be of no use  to him whatever. It means this–that every man’s vote shall have it’s weigh , wherever he may live, and whatever tribe or clan he may belong to”
‘Political equality I understand to be something very different from the common views of it. It does not mean that if one man holds an opinion that is popular it shall be of use to him in obtaining a representative; while another man’s, which is unpopular, shall be of no use to him whatever. It me ans this—that every man’s vote shall have its weight, wherever he may live, and whatever majority or minority he may belong to
“Injustice rectifies nothing. it is an evil everywhere and always.” “Injustice rectifies nothing. It is an evil everywhere and always”
“Majorities will always continue to rule; we only plead for more accurate system of recording votes, so that we may ascertain how great the majority ought to be” “majorities always will con! tinue to rule; we only plead for a more accurate system of recording votes, so that we may asc ertain how great the majority ought to be.”

Suivent de nombreux autres exemples dont nous vous faisons « grace ». Bravo M Abdillahi Mohamed Saad, ça c’est de la copie et IOG vous donnera un bon point.