21/08/07 (B409) S.H. NETWORK / Le Maire de Mogadiscio Mohamed Dheere reproche au leader du Clan Hawiye le climat de violence dans la Capitale. Somalia: Mogadishu blames Hawiye elders for Mogadishu violence ( En Anglais / Info + commentaires en Français, en fin d’article d’un lecteur)

Mayor of Mogadishu, Mohammed Dheere, has accused members of Hawiye clan leaders in Mogadishu of being responsible for the insurgency in the capital.

Mayor of Mogadishu, Mohammed Dheere Dheere was addressing journalists at the headquarter of Somali police force in south of the capital where cluster of weapons seized in the government’s latest search operations in the volatile city were displayed Monday.

Dheere particularly condemned members of Hawiye clan elders opposing the Somali reconciliation congress.

He said if they don not halt adding fuel to the fire, they will end up in Eritrea. « Who lights a fire will burn himself in the end, » he said.

He said people who fled the capital to Elasha settlements on the southern outskirt of the capital were the wives and the children of the insurgents.

« Those agencies from the international community helping them must know that they are feeding Al-Qaeda members, » he said.

Earlier Ahmed Derie, the spokesman of Hawiye Unity Council, told Shabelle that he condemns the killings on civilians and government officials.

Several district officials have been killed in the capital in the past months. Moalim Harun, a Hawiye traditional elder, was killed in early this week while leaving a mosque in north of Mogadishu.
____________________________________ Commentaires d’un lecteur

Issu du sous-clan Haber-Guedir, le Maire de Mogadiscio, Mohamed Dheere, appartient aussi à la tribu Hawiye, comme Houssein Aidid, Sheihk Hassan Dader Aweys, Osman Atto et Aden Hash Ayro.

Sous Siad Barreh, la région de Mogadiscio était tenue par le sous-clan Abgal de la tribu Hawiye. C’est le clan du Premier Ministre Mohamed Ali Guedi et d’Ali Mahdi, le Président du Comité de Réconciliation.

Les Haber-Guedir ont pris ensuite le contrôle de la Capitale, après le départ de Siad Bare. C’est le Général Aidid et sa milice composée des Haber Guedir qui régnait en maître de la ville, jusqu’ à l’arrivée de l’armée Éthiopienne en Décembre 2006.