30/08/07 (B410) SH NETWORK : des affrontements aux fusils automatiques et aux mortiers, les plus importants depuis quelques jours, ont éclaté dans la Capitale somalienne. Le congrés de réconcialiation a terminé ses débats « marathon » – Heavy clashes breaks out in Somalia Capital. (Info lecteur – En Anglais)

Mogadishu 29, August.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Fierce gun battle has broken out this evening in some parts of Mogadishu particularly in Hodan district in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia.

The sound of mortars and automatic rifles echoed through some parts of the capital tonight.

According Some Hodan residents the exchange of mortars and RPG (rocked Propelled grenades) could be heard through all parts of Hodan district, like KPP neighborhood to Suqa khudarta (vegetable market) At Bakara market, and its surrounding areas.

The gun battle is believed to be the heaviest according to the previous nights,

“The deafening noises is terrifying us” told radio Shabelle through phone by a resident who lives where he fighting currently taking place,

None knows the exact casualties of the skirmishes.

The areas that now began the fighting have been positioned by the Govt. troops in an effort to tighten the security while there are high level delegates who are due to arrive in Mogadishu to participate to the closure of the ongoing Somali peace reconciliation congress in Mogadishu.

This latest fighting coincided as the chairman of the Somali peace reconciliation congress, Ali Mahdi Mohamed announced that the congress would be closed tomorrow.