23/10/07 (B418-B) Afar National Revolutionary Democratic Front : Political Programme to download.

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I have pleasure in emailing you Afar National Revolutionary Democratic Front – Political Programme (Qafar Uguugoh Demokraasih Foocak, Siyaasaa kee Adda Xintoh Madqaa) to publish and support (ANRDF’s struggle for the Afar people’s inalienable rights to freely determine their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development. ANRDF (Uguugumo) would like to develop friendly relations based on mutual respect and mutual advantages with all nations and nationalities of Ethiopia and the rest of the world.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at: afar200@yahoo.com or- afar40@hotmail.com

Victory to the Afar National Revolutionary Democratic Front

Mr. Salih Ali Houdale
The Chairman of the ANRDF