07/03/09 (B489) Nouvelles de Somalie. (3 articles en Anglais)

_______________________________ 3 – Shabelle (En Anglais)

Selon le porte-parole de l’organisation islamique Ahlu Sunna Waljamea, quatre suspects sont interrogés à Guriel sous le motif d’avoir préparé l’installation de mines dans la région. // Four Suspected people interrogated in Guriel

Sheik Abdirisak Mohamed Ali known as (Al Ashari), the spokesman of the Islamic Organization of Ahlu Sunna Waljamea said on Thursday that they have got further details from a suspected armed groups captured in Gutiel town in central Somalia.

Al Ashari told Shabelle radio they got details and displayed for the people in Guriel town for 4 suspected armed men and their car that were captured yesterday in the town and said that two of them confirmed that they were planning to plant mines in parts of Guriel town.

The spokesman said that the security forces of Ahlu Sunna Waljamea in Guriel town had captured 4 armed men in the centre of the town as they were traveling to Galka’yo town by a time the security forces were conducting search operations in the town.

“After long search, two of the four men confirmed they were planning to plant land mines and became criminals and they have been caught with explosives,” Al Ashari said.

It is the first time that the Islamic administration in Guriel town captures suspected people with explosives since they took control the town and it comes as most of the Somali people and the Islamic administration in Guriel are preparing to welcome Rabicul Awal month known as Mowliid ( the birth of the prophet Muhammad(PABUH)

_______________________________ 2 – Shabelle (En Anglais)

Un leader islamiste de l’opposition déclare qu’il se ralliera au nouveau gouvernement dès que celui-ci aura instauré la Charia dans le pays. // Islamist leader says he will join government if it implements Sharia law

Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Siyad ( Inda’adde), one the Islamist opposition leaders in the Somali capital Mogadishu has said on Saturday that he will join the Somali government if it implements Sharia law.

Sheik Inda’adde told Shabelle Radio that he will join the transitional government of Somalia if the two combined legislatures of Somalia government accept to implement the Sharia law.

“I did not meet with the government but there is no reason that we can oppose them if they implement the Sharia law and follow the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad peace and bless be upon him,” Sheik Yusuf said.

Asked about how he saw recently fighting in the capital, he said that he was very sorry and did not allow to fight on the residences of the Somali population who have been fighting with the enemy since two years and lastly liberated the Ethiopian troops from the country.

On the other hand Sheik Yusuf Inda’adde said that he was not aware any meeting held in Mogadishu for Eeyr clan of Habargidir tribe that was attended ministers, Mps and scholars denying that he had a meeting with members of Eeyr clan who are member of the government.

The statement of Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Siyad known as ( Inda’dde) for joining the government if it takes the demands of the Islamists of Sharia law comes as the Somali president Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed reiterated more that his government will rule the country with Sharia law.

_______________________________ 1 – Shabelle (En Anglais)

Le Président du parlement affirme que le Gouvernement veut reconstruire les bâtiments officiels de l’Administration centrale dans Mogadiscio. // Parliament speaker says that Somali government wants to reconstruct its centers

Sheik Aden Mohamed Nor (Madobe), the speaker of the Somali parliament has said on Saturday that the government wants to rebuild the government centers in the Somali capital Mogadishu.

Sheik Aden Madobe has arrived in the capital Mogadishu yesterday (Friday) and told reporters that the parliament has two centers in Mogadishu like Ex-parliament and other centre those are collapsed buildings at the moment and said that both centers need reconstructing as soon as possible.

The speaker of the legislature said that every institution of the transitional government is needed to reconstruct government centers which the former institutions of the former Somali governments worked suggesting to the Somali people that it is a time of building but not collapsing.

The statement of the parliament speaker Sheik Aden Mohamed Nor (Madobe) comes as the government led by president Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed mentioned earlier that it will work in the Somalia capital Mogadishu.