06/04/08 (B442) Avertissement du Gouverneur de l’Hiiran aux commanditaires des insurgés somaliens : ils seront arrêtés et incarcérés à perpetuité – Somali insurgent backers warned (En Anglais – Info lecteur)

The Governor of Somalia’s Hiiran region has publicly announced those who support the insurgents would be arrested and held indefinitely.

The governor made his announcement in the Hiiran town of Baletweyn while he was backed by three tanks and hundreds of soldiers, Press TV correspondent reports.

Women, children and elders were forced to attend the press conference where he warned against siding with the opposition Islamic Courts Union (ICU) and al-Shabab fighters, threatening arrest, incarceration and the death penalty.

Hiiran residents say it is the Ethiopian policy to ‘divide and rule’, as well as assisting the governor in carrying out such heinous crimes as setting fire to civilian areas.