03/12/08 (B476-B) Shabelle : Les troupes éthiopiennnes évacuent une base dans la région de GEDO. // Ethiopian troops vacate a military base in Gedo Region (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
The Ethiopian forces vacated a military base in Luuq town, Gedo region on Tuesday witness said.
Our correspondent in Gedo region says the Ethiopian troops with their military vehicles left from a base in Luuq town near Ethiopian-Somali border early on Tuesday heading to Baidoia, a seat of the Somali transitional parliament 250 Km West of the capital Mogadishu.
The Ethiopian forces are keep coming and going in to Somalia these days.
An official from Gedo region administration who spoke to Shabelle Media Network on condition of anonymity said the Ethiopians had talks about security in his administration.
The Ethiopian troops are planning to withdraw from Somalia, but Somali parliament speaker expressed concern their withdrawal fearing that Somalia could fall in hands of Islamic insurgents.
This comes as Ethiopia announced on Friday that its troops will withdraw from Somalia by the end this year.
A recent agreement between the members of Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia and the transitional government was reached in Djibouti for a gradual withdrawal of Ethiopian troops.