31/08/05 (B313) Non content d’emprunter, Guelleh fait des dettes ! La ligue Arabe vient de constater que Djibouti est incapable de payer ses arrièrés de cotisation et la classe au même niveau que les Commores et la Somalie, en dépit des affirmations des proches de Yacin Elmi Bouh, ex-Ministre des Finances djiboutiens. (En anglais – Info lecteur)

Lien avec l’original : http://www.kuna.net.kw/home/story.aspx?Language=en&DSNO=764439

Arab League chief urges members to pay budgetary shares

CAIRO, Aug 29 (KUNA) —

Arab countries should pay their budgetary
contributions in the Arab League during the first three months of
every year as stipulated by recent Arab summit’s resolutions, said
Monday Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Pan-Arab organization.

Moussa, in opening remarks of a meeting of the League’s administrative
and financial committee, called on countries to pay arrears very
rapidly to enable the Arab League do its role effectively.

Moussa praised Algeria, Yemen and Bahrain for paying their contributions.

Arab leaders, during their 2004 summit in Tunisia, called for paying
10 percent of arrears, estimated at over 100 million dollars.

Moussa said the 2005 Arab summit in Algeria agreed to create a general
reserve of 35 million dollars, the same amount of the 2006 budget.

An Arab League official told reporters members of the committee would
be discussing a number of financial reports to be referred to the
foreign ministers when they meet on September 8.

The League’s financial status, arrears, the inability of Djibouti, The
Comoros and Somalia to pay their budgetary share and the 2006 budget
will be discussed by committee members.