15/08/07 (B408) REUTERS / 31 morts et au moins 60 blessés durant les dernières 24 Heures, au cours de violents combats qui ont opposés les troupes éthiopiennes aux insurgés – C’est ce que déclare un dirigeant d’une ONG sur place – Mogadishu fighting kills 31 – human rights group (En Anglais – Info lectrice)
Heavy fighting between Somali government forces backed by Ethiopian troops and insurgents in Mogadishu has killed at least 31 Somalis and wounded 60 in the past 24 hours, a local human rights group said on Tuesday.
« The killings were from gunshots and explosions in different parts of the city, » head of Elman Human Rights Group, Sudani Ali Ahmed, told Reuters. « It is totally unacceptable and … against human rights. »
In one incident, Ethiopian soldiers opened fire on a bus full of civilians, killing 10 people and wounding several others, Ahmed said.