19/08/07 (B409) Shabelle Network – Somalie : L’un leaders traditionnels et des plus influents a été tué par une balle à Mogadiscio, pour des raisons encore indéterminées – Somalia: Leading elder gunned down in Mogadishu (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
One the prominent traditional elders in Mogadishu, Moalim Harun moalim Yusuf has been shot dead by unknown assailants late on Saturday at Yaqshid District in Mogadishu,
According to eyewitnesses who were at the scene told to Radio Shabelle that unidentified armed men attacked his home firing more bullets on Moalin Harun who was on that time sitting in front of his house when the attack was taking place.
The cause of his killig is unclear.
The deceased was one of the elders who had been attending the reconciliation congress currently continuing in Mogadishu.
This incident may cause major shock in the public.