18/04/08 (B443) Somalie : arrestation hier et libération aujourd’hui de 5 journalistes ( 2 dépêches)
__________________________________ JDD vendredi
Somalie: Libération de cinq journalistes radio
Les autorités somaliennes ont libéré cinq journalistes arrêtés pour avoir couvert les combats entre forces gouvernementales et insurgés, et leur radio émet à nouveau, ont fait savoir vendredi ces reporters.
Depuis qu’il s’est réinstallé à Mogadiscio début 2007, le gouvernement a fermé temporairement la plupart des neuf radios privées de la ville, les accusant de prendre parti pour les islamistes à l’origine d’une sanglante insurrection.
"Nous n’avons pas été interrogés, et un policier nous a dit que le chef de la police somalienne avait ordonné notre libération", a déclaré le rédacteur en chef de la radio Voice of Peace (La voix de la paix), Shafi Muhidin Abukar, joint au téléphone.
______________________________________ All Africa jeudi soir
Somalie : la Police, lourdement armée, ferme une station privée de radio et arrête des journalistes. L’union nationale des journalistes somaliens proteste dans un communiqué de presse
Somalia: Police Close Down Private Radio Station, Arrest Journalists
Press release :
National Union of Somali Journalists (Mogadishu)
National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) today condemns the closure of Radio Voice of Peace in Mogadishu and the subsequent arrest of four its journalists and technician.
Heavily armed police force of the Transitional Federal Government riding in a minibus raided this morning the radio station, ordered its staff to get out their offices and shutdown the privately-owned FM station, according to Mohammed Ali Irole, Director of the Radio Station and other journalists.
The four journalists arrested are Shafi’i Muhidin Islow, Editor-in-Chief of the Radio, Abdikamil Yusuf Mohamud, Reporter, Mohammed Ali Boston, Reporter, and Mohammed Kafi Ali, Reporter. Ibrahim Abdi Hassan, a technician, was also arrested with the journalists. The five media persons are being detained in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
The Transitional Federal Government did not talk about the motive behind the attack but the journalists of Radio Voice of Peace who spoke to NUSOJ in condition of anonymity because of their security said that the attack may relate their coverage of last night’s Attack by Insurgents in KM4 area.
“Police brutalities against media are intolerable and Transitional government must stop violence against journalists and media houses by its soldiers” said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. “It is purposeful violation of because it is unjustifiable to see armed men who are supposed to enforce law and order carrying out such attack”.
“We demand the immediate release of our colleagues and the recommencement of Radio Voice Peace its service to the public” Omar Faruk added