05/05/08 (B446) Meles Zanoui affirme que l’Ethiopie va augmenter l’aide qu’elle apporte à la Somalie. Il confirme la tenue d’une conférence à Djibouti. Meles says Ethiopia willl continue extenhding support Somalia (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
Addis Ababa, May 4, 2008 (Addis Ababa) – UN special envoy to Somalia Ahmed Abidella said the reconciliation discussion among stakeholders which is believed to bring sustainable peace in the country would be held in Djibouti
After the Conferring with the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi , the Special envoy told journalists that the discussion would bring a lasting solution.
Opposition parties, clan leaders and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) would participate in the meeting, he said.
Meles said the people of Somali have been suffering a lot as stateless nation for the last 17 years, according to a Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Meles expressed Ethiopia’s unreserved support to the successful deliberations of the reconciliation discussion.