06/09/09 (B515) Rapport Deberkalleh – En Anglais – N°ENG 1
Plainte déposée devant le Procureur éthiopie pour l’assassinat des vieillards et d’enfants Afar à Guerrissa et dans les localités voisines |
English version Part 1
______________________________ Note de l’ARDHD
Abdallah Deberkalleh nous a fait savoir que de nombreux internautes anglophones attendaient une traduction en Anglais de son rapport.
Une traduction a été proposée par une relation de l’auteur et nous allons commencer la publication en Anglais du rapport qui est disponible en Français sur notre site.
La traduction n’a pas été vérifiée par l’équipe de l’ARDHD.
_____________________________ Nr 1
——- Introduction
In 2005, we began publishing the report prepared by Abdullah Deberkalleh with the assistance of other Djiboutian who provided clarifications and additional information.
At the request of some « informants », we discontinued the publication of the report.
Today, a reader informed us that the report was available in full from April 2008 on the site www.arhotaba.com and that this had not caused any reservation, this time by the persons concerned, we have contacted and who have not responded to our request.
According to this reader, this report is still valid, it should be published to inform the Djiboutian community and world opinion.
With the kind permission of its author, we will resume publication of this report, since the beginning. Most information is verified and verifiable, others deserve an update, as the death of a judge, who lives in Canada.
—— Presentation
This dossier was prepared and written by Abdullah Deberkalleh. This is the result of more than a year of careful and accurate investigation.
It contains about 60 pages and it takes the whole career of IOG by listing all the « excesses ».
It analyzes and explains the elements and facts known and little-known occurred in Djibouti and the trafficking of all kinds, with dates, facts, people and places and the type of assembly: arms trafficking, storage of radioactive products.
The publication will be performed in several episodes.
The report on Guelleh : its methods of government, crimes and cases.
The revelation enthusiasts who want to better understand the hidden underneath the personality and style of government Guelleh will discover sensitive information.
We hope you enjoy reading
______________________________ Part 1
(Djibouti has been independant on June 27, 1977)
This report is largely an analysis of context and sociopolitical conditions in which there are currently the Republic of Djibouti and its people is not only not from the editor (Mr. Ahmed Abdallah Deberkaleh) a political denouncing unfair, coercive and reactionary who are current but also a necessity to better inform its Djiboutian brothers (all ethnicities) and all foreign observers not aware of the unjust and dictatorial management plan Djibouti today.
This record was achieved after several months of research difficult and dangerous. It gives an explanation of the study »behavior »of the president who has only one motto in his head: corruption, and murder cases.
Also this introductory report therefore proposes to set sail on the organization, methods and ways and means used by the President of Djibouti Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh and his men »to better supervise »the people of Djibouti, to I ‘to use their best interests and personal enrichment.
Indeed, he should know that all the resources that are made contributions under this scheme and that are used daily in the way of governing the people of Djibouti has a single goal:
The enslaving of its people in order to avoid any attempt to thwart his desire for power and determination to capture all value-added outcome of national resources for personal, family or partisan.
Regionally, it was found that the personality of President Ismael Omar Guelleh, characterized not only by greed but by an ambition that drives him to want to play a key role in the region, presents mortgage in question and seriously desires peace and harmonious development of tens of millions of people in the subregion.
Indeed, the difficulties faced by some countries in our area and the historical and cultural interweaving of peoples of the region between them, are considered in this bloody tyrant, as an opportunity and a tool to interfere and intervene in the national balance in the meaning of his megalomania.
Moreover baseness and immorality of the way and means that the scheme ISMAEL OMAR GUELLEH uses in its relations with other neighboring countries may seriously hamper the desire for peace and development of the Djiboutian people as a whole.
After explaining to my brothers and Djiboutian foreign (United Nations and other countries …) that are on the ground Djibouti, the sociopolitical reality that is going to Djibouti for 27 long years and the target and possible consequences of the policies scheme ISMAEL OMAR GUELLEH on the sub-region (Ethiopia – Eritrea – Somalia – Somaliland – Yemen).
I suggest if you allow me a second part (for the first part is about his biography, likeness and character traits), to submit the terms which I think would be the best and most appropriate in order to definitively an end to the nuisance generated on all plans by this expansionist tyrant.
Intelligent and clever IOG is totally corrupt businessman, ambitious, without any moral scruples or human. His brutality, his outrageous behavior and his ostentatious wealth makes him particularly unpopular with Djibouti.
It derives its power from the tight control he has managed to build on the security services inside and outside the state.
This right allowed him to lead the « hard core » of the so-called Djibouti to Ethiopian or Somali origin: particularly the tribal family mamassannes Bah-Fourlaba or other ethnic Issas Government he heads as it intends to remain in power and keep benefits despite the elections of 1993 because at that time Mr. Hassan Gouled was unable to apply for a new mandate.
The same scenario policy is today for the presidential election of April 2005.
At that time, his willingness to keep the power led him to tighten the device around the state Issas causing the shelving or the dismissal of senior administrative or political suspects was lukewarm toward its aims, as ministers MOHOHAMED DJAMA ELAB (since deceased, rest his soul. … Amin, Khaireh ALLALEH Hared, the former chief of staff ISMAEL Guedi Hared and former Chief Cabinet Secretary OSMAN Bogoreh ( cousin IOG) suspected of taking his political post.
Meanwhile, it has intensified the fight against the opponents, especially against the Afar of Djibouti, to provoke a major military response in the latter. Its work also covers other minorities not mamassan Somaliland territory (fourlabas, odahgobs, saad-moussa, Horon, Issak, Gadabourcis or Arabs), that it contributes to dismiss gradually in opposition indiscriminately.
Finally, to ensure a decisive representation of his clan in case of confrontation or other election … It was launched in complex recovery minority Issa of Somali or Somaliland in particular or the Ethiopia.
Taking advantage of the anarchy prevailing in the two countries following the fall of the Siad Bareh and Mengistu Haile Mariam, he created and financed separatist movement Issas or others in the North-West Somalia precisely the Awdal region in S / Land, the United Front of Somalia (USF) in collaboration with the former Somali Colonel Farah Waiss Dhule known from Farah Farasse (he now lives in Dire-Dawa cool Djiboutian government). This same front has ties in the region of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia and Djibouti City. He hopes to play a crucial role in the regional settlement and Djibouti was able to integrate external elements that could digitally enhance her tribal clan.
Since the start of military operations in the north by the elements of the Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy (FRUD), ISMAEL OMAR GUELLEH seems punch its weight on President Hassan Gouled, so that final rule conflict by force, and risk pushing the country into civil war.
Given the attitude of FRANCE, in which he criticized for not having intervened militarily, ISMAEL OMAR GUELLEH launched a violent campaign against the French from Djibouti, which, if it intensifies, could lead to violent reactions against French nationals (military, civilian or cooperatives. It is likely that he will try to push President Gouled to refuse any negotiations with representatives of FRUD to Djibouti (trend ABATE Dr. BO) in Ethiopia and that will emphasize the showdown, even to practice genocide on the Afar people of Djibouti.
The prediction has proved correct, as demonstrated by the events ..