03/02/11 (B589) Point de vue. Un lecteur nous envoie la copie de l’interview publiée en Anglais sur le site de l’IRIN (ONU) et il nous donne son sentiment en Français. Nous publions aussi un autre commentaire reçu de Djibouti

________________________ Avis du lecteur

Bonjour l’équipe,

Je vous envoie ci-joint l’interview de Guelleh qui est publiée sur le site de l’IRIN.

Comme vous pouvez le constater, il conseille aux Somaliens de se soulever comme l’ont fait les Tunisiens et de mettre à la porte les forces étrangères.

Drôle de Dictateur !!!!! Et chez lui ???

De nombreux sites internet de la diaspora africaine au Canada ont refusé de publier son interview parce qu’il considère IOG comme un dictateur affamé de pouvoir.

________________________ Avis d’un autre lecteur à Djibouti

Hier la BBC en langue Somalie a diffusé la partie concernant la Somalie.

C’est vraiment étonnant !
Est-ce un nouveau signe de défaillance mentale ?
Est-ce que le courant ne passe plus entre IOG et Washington Foreign Department?

La solution de la Tunisie à Mogadiscio, qu’IOG préconise, concerne-t-elle les Forces d’Amison?

Ce qui est incontournable est la volonté du Peuple Somalie contre les Forces d’Amison et celles de Djibouti belles et bein présentes à Mogadiscio.

Par un vieux Djiboutien
d’origine Somalie

__________________ Extrait d’IRIN (partie consacrée à la Somalie)


Q: Somalia has been a key challenge for the region and for Djibouti in particular. Do you sometimes despair about the situation?

A: I do sometimes despair. We have invested a lot of time and resources to try and get [Somalia] out of the situation it is in. At the moment, I cannot honestly point to anything that I can say `If this is done, Somalia will regain its honor, dignity in the world.’ I just don’t know what the cure is.

We tried everything. The only thing left is perhaps a Tunisia-like uprising by the people. Maybe Somalia needs to tell these people: `We are fed up. Go away, we don’t want you.’

We are in a situation where, when someone becomes president, some group will say he is not to our liking and they [usually] have veto power. The only reason they don’t [like] that individual is because they don’t [see] their own personal interest in there. It has nothing to do with the interest of the people or what the people want.

Q: There has been talk of Djibouti sending troops to Somalia; are you sending peacekeepers, and what difference would that make?

A: We are not sending combat troops but trainers. We want to train our Somali brothers and instill in them that they are the owners of their country; they are the ones who must die for it. They must be able to challenge every other armed force. Our aim is to build the capacity and foundation of the Somali army.

Q: In your opinion, what more can the UN/international community do to help Somalia?

A: We are at a stage where people have scissors to cut up the country. The other day I heard about a southeast state. The US mentioned that it talks to existing entities; now everyone is getting in on the act.

Intervention from outside has not helped and will never help. The solution is for the people to say stop. I would like to see the people of Somalia say they have had enough of displacement; they have had enough of being refugees and that they have had enough of guns.