10/10/08 (B469) Press TV : dans le district de Wargadud, à 30 kms à l’est de Baïdoa, des centaines de civils fuient les bombardements attribués à des avions américains. Hundreds flee US blitz in Somalia (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
Missiles from suspected US planes have bombarded the Somalian district of Wargadud, 30km east of Baidoa, forcing citizens to flee.
The suspected US plane fired missiles at various positions in and around Wargadud on Thursday killing a number of civilians, a Press TV correspondent reported.
In recent months, there has been several airstrikes against al-Shabaab militants who have been fighting Somalia’s US-backed interim government since 2007.
In May, US warplanes killed al-Shabaab leader, Aden Hashi Ayro, in Dusamareb, central Somalia.
The US says al-Shabaab has links to al-Qaeda and has provided a safe haven for militants including the bombers of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
The Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and al-Shabaab fighters consider US-backed Ethiopian troops in Somalia to be an occupying force. They say, they will continue their fight until a full withdrawal of the enemies from Somalia.