03/12/08 (B476-B) Shabelle : de violents combats dans le centre de la Somalie entre des Al Shaabab et des milices locales, causent la mort de 2 civils et 5 blessés. // Heavy fighting takes place in Central Somalia (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
Two civilians died and five others were injured on Tuesday when fierce fighting started in Guriel district, in Galgadud Region, bout 450 Km (270miles) north of the capital Mogadishu.
Alshabab militants and local Ahlu Sunnah Waljamaah militias fought in the centre of the city.
Alshabab officials confirmed that one of their fighters was wounded in the fighting. They said that they had been attacked and defended them selves
Guriel commissioner Ali Sheikh Mahamud told Shabelle that the fighting was used heavy machine guns and battle wagons.
Our reporter in the Region says that the situation of the city is tense and circulation of the traffic stopped.
Hospital officials confirmed they had treated wounded people.
There is a fear that another fighting could start any time.