20/01/09 (B482-B) Dernières nouvelles de Somalie (3 dépêches en Anglais)
______________________________ 3 – Shabelle (En Anglais)
Le centre d’affaires de Baïdoa a rouvert ses portes et les bureaux rouvrent leurs portes. Personne ne peut dire à l’heure actuelle, avec certitude, si les troupes éthiopiennes vont évacuer rapidement la ville. // Baidoa business centers reopened
The business centers in Baidoa, the seat of the transitional parliament have been reopened on Monday, witnesses told Shabelle radio.
Reports from the town say that all business centers in Baidoa have been reopened and the circulation traffic and people started again After the Ethiopian troops had lifted a curfew they imposed a day ago.
Locals say the Ethiopian soldiers went back to their previous military bases in the town.
Ethiopian troops arrived in Somalia in 2006 to help the interim government oust Islamists from the capital.
Ethiopian and Somali soldiers imposed curfew to Baidoa yesterday and ordered the people to be indoors during their security operations in the town to pave the way for the Ethiopian troops form the Somali capital Mogadishu.
It is not known whether the Ethiopian troops will completely withdraw from the town or not but the residents say that the situation of the town is calm now.
______________________________ 2 – Shabelle (En Anglais)
Les troupes éthiopiennes ont évacué la ville de Bardhere avec leur matériel, sans qu’aucun accrochage ne soit signalé. // Ethiopian troops vacate Bardhere town
More Ethiopian troops with their military trucks have vacated Bardhere town in southwest Somalia early on Monday, witnesses told Radio Shabelle.
The Ethiopian troops and Somali militias led by Col. Barre Adan Shire ( Hiralle) pulled out from the town.
Locals say Ethiopian troops also vacated Dinsor town south of Baidoa where they have been for the last two weeks.
Islamist insurgents have been controlling both Bardhere and Dinsor towns before the Ethiopian troops and their allied Somalia militia captured them.
It is not known why the Ethiopian troops withdrew from the towns. No fighting has been reported
______________________________ 1 – Shabelle (En Anglais)
Cheik Sharif, le leader de l’ARS a lancé un appel au peuple somlaien pour qu’il soutienne les efforts de paix et de solidarité après le départ des troupes éthiopiennes. // Sheik Sharif urges peace
The chairman of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed urged Monday Somali people to support peace and solidarity after Ethiopian troop pull out.
Sheik Sharif from Djibouti returned back to Mogadishu yesterday and spoke to the reporters in Lafwein Hotel in north Mogadishu.
He said that he would continue consultations among the Somali people to maintain activities to support the peace and reconciliation.
He described the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops as a great achievement.
The Ethiopian troops withdrew from the capital four days ago and now pulled back to Baidoa, the seat of the transitional parliament.