03/04/11 (B598) Afar Alliance (AAA) Freedom of speech, freedom for intimidation // (En Anglais) Liberté de parole, liberté d’intimidation
On March 4th 2011, protesters in Djibouti were to join anti-government forces however the government is making assembly difficult due to a large police and military presence.
Authorities have warned that they will do everything to try and stop the protest and have made good on this by arresting many thus far. These defensive measures taken by the government expresses the regimes’ fear of losing its grip on power and that the end for them could be very near. For those who are still able to assemble today we spend our prayers of encouragement and solidarity for their struggle and valor.
We were also surprised and dissatisfied that the Foreign Minister of Djibouti appeared on state television to discourage and frighten the people. The Afar people also know that these acts of intimidation only go so far and ultimately do not have an enduring effect of control. We also call on the international community to recognize the gravity of the government suppression and brutality against its own.