08/09/05 (B314) Djibouti offre 50.000 US$ aux victimes de l’ouragan à La Nouvelle Orléans. (Lecteur) (Anglais)
_____________________________ Note de l’ARDHD
Djibouti, qui reçoit de formidables aides, loyers et subventions américaines, ne pouvait pas faire moins que de se joindre aux 90 nations qui ont envoyé des dons en faveur des sinistrés de l’Ouragan.
Mais Guelleh est un homme prudent, qui a, comme on dit chez nous « un hérisson dans la poche » et il s’est contenté d’offrir le plus petit montant possible. Lui qui vit de l’aide américaine : est-ce bien raisonable ?
_______________________________________ Extrait
Bill: World community to the rescue
by Lucia Bill published on Thursday, September 8, 2005
Lucia Bill
When it comes to dealing with Hurricane Katrina, our government seems to have some of its priorities switched around.
The president recently announced he can’t wait to rebuild Trent Lott’s Mississippi house and sit on the nice, new porch. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., will be at a fund-raiser while the House votes on the $10.5 billion bill to rebuild the Gulf Coast.
But while our government is stumbling to meet the new demands of its disaster-struck people, a new actor has appeared on the stage of crisis resolution.
Everyone, say hello to the international community.
It’s been around for awhile, but now the roles seem to be in reverse, and the international community finally has a leading part in the exposition of our history.
More than 90 countries and international organizations have offered some form of aid to the United States.
What’s astounding about the rate and volume of help coming our way is that a large portion of it is coming from countries struggling on their own.
Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest nations, offered $1 million in aid.
Thailand — still mourning its 8,000 missing and dead people after the tsunami — offered 60 nurses and shipments of rice.
Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, is returning the favor by donating tents and first-aid kits. Oil-wealthy nations, such as Kuwait, have offered over $500 million in oil and relief.
European nations, such as Spain, have focused on sending military and rescue gear.
Both Djibouti and Georgia, relatively smaller countries, have offered $50,000 each.
Sri Lanka offered $25,000 in cash. Considering the small country off the coast of Africa is about $600 million in debt, it’s important to appreciate the principle behind the gift.
What counts in this situation is not the actual amount offered. It is the willingness of other nations, big and small, to come and give while we are vulnerable.
What is stunning is that some of the most generous help is not coming from close allies like Germany. It’s from governments the United States has been at odds with – places like Venezuela, which offered 1 million barrels of gasoline, $5 million in cash and more than 50 tons of canned food and water.
Some may argue it is an attempt to get into the United States’ good graces. And, as with all political actions, there is no denying that these countries may have selfish motives.
But it is also possible that the countries that have experienced similar crises – whether caused by natural or human forces – can best sympathize with the suffering we are experiencing.
Above all, this attempt at international fraternity in the time of crisis may be the best opportunity for the United States to change its international image.
By accepting the help from other nations we acknowledge that no matter how powerful, rich or capable we are, sometimes we can’t do it all on our own. And we shouldn’t have to.
It would be nice to know our politicians are all fully focused on the problem. But since it seems there are some glitches in the internal process, it’s good to know we have neighbors we can count on.