02/09/07 (B411) Communiqué de l’ONLF. Selon cette organisation, les éthiopiens, dans une tentative de la dernière chance, tenteraient de menacer tous les villageois de l’Ogaden des pires représailles, s’ils donnaient le moindre détail sur les exactions et crimes de guerre commis dans la région où la mission de l’ONU doit se rendre.ONLF Statement on Civilian (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
In a desperate attempt to conceal war crimes in Ogaden, the Ethiopian regime has begun to threaten civilians living along the planned routes of the recently announced United Nations Fact Finding Mission To Ogaden. villagers and pastoralists are being told
they will suffer the consequences if they share details of war crimes with members of the mission.
The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) led regime continues to commit war crimes against the people of Ogaden with the latest war crime occuring when much of the Village of Marameydh located between the towns of Garbo and Dhenaan was torched by Ethiopian troops on 29th August 2007.
Given continued war crimes at the hands of this regime despite the presence of a United Nations Fact Finding Mission, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) calls upon the United Nations to thoroughly investigate war crimes in Ogaden and guarantee the safety of civilians who provide war crimes related information to members of the mission.
The ONLF welcomes the decision by the United Nations to send a fact finding mission to Ogaden as a prudent first step in addressing the current humanitarian and human rights crisis in Ogaden
Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)