14/06/09 (B503) Djibouti pourra-t-elle être sauvée après le départ de Guelleh ? (Par référence à ce qu’est devenue la Somalie après le départ du dictateur Siad Barreh qui a ruiné le pays et qui avait distillé tous les ingrédients pour une guerre civile qui dure maintenant depuis 1991 et dont on ne voit toujours pas la fin.) // Could Djibouti be saved after President Guelleh ? (Somaliland Press – Info lecteur – En Anglais) *** Article recommandé
Having been running the country just like Ziad Barre, could Djibouti spared after President Ismail O. Guelleh?
Some would definitely argue positively and others say never Djibouti would end up like Somalia. Although they might not come up with any rational explanation what will make Djibouti different than other collapsing countries, and they might not as well come up with a solution to avoid similar fate, though, some of us will debate the opportunistic, power hungry and irresponsible so-called opposition parties, those are the alternative.
Part of us would still naively think France to be preventing a civil war. Not knowing the same French elites (Multinational Companies: MEDEF, French government and DGSE) are praying the destruction of Djibouti; ever since the President proclaimed Djibouti is no longer needs France’, on Jeune Afrique magazine. And their influences are slipping out of their hands – and a French company, Bolore, lost the bet of the International Ports of Djibouti to DP.WORLD of Dubai. They are known indirectly undermining our sovereignty and purposely encouraging Eretria to occupy Djibouti’s territory and planning to put a satellite Government, someday.
Nevertheless, the President starts employing the outdated and destructive political theory of Nicola Machiavelli, how to maintain the power through divide and conquer’, (the Prince). Mr. Guelleh’s politics came down to turning one nation (tribe) against another. And his Government ceased to function when they are unable to provide basic needs such as electricity and running water for the last two months or so; also ministries failed to deliver proper services until one paid a bribe: buying lands; renewing ID’s or getting low-income-housing; unless one lean on a mountain or be one – as they called it locally, in the other word, have a relative on high places in the government: nepotism.
The Government’s non functioning bureaucracy becomes a pattern, under his leadership, that’s disgustingly sad. This though has been strange for the Djiboutian, who accustomed of getting services without hassle, under the Previous Government of President Gouled (May Allah bless his soul).