04/02/03 (B183) Pour quelles raisons, je suis un fervent supporter de Guelleh (Lecteur en Anglais)
First of all i woud like
to let you know that i am djiboutien immigrated in the USA since 1995.
I follow closely what’s
happenning right now in our beloved country and i support strongly President
Guelleh, his views in everything.
Why ? You wonder why i
support such a regime who is in violation of humans rights.
Then the answer is quiet
I agree this regime because
the opposition has no real politicals ambitions, has no defined , precis,
clear and authentic programme. All they have to say during the legislatifs
campaign are just to insult the regime in place, unleashing a war of word.
I recall what they’ve said : « ……..they(RPP) have been in power
since 1977….they’ve been 25years in power…. ».
They do not present a
convincing programme. one more thing, when I consulted the official site of
the Republique, I have seen some curious name in the list of the 65 deputes.Do
you know what I have seen.
Unbelieveble, Moumin Bahdon,
Ahmed Boullaleh Barreh. What the fuck is wrong with those people. Once they
publicaly said they were opposant, they insulted publicaly the former President
Goulled, the actual President Guelleh, they have been in Jail and today they
are in Office.
What the hell is going
on ?
Personnally, I think that
our country does no need a opposition party or any kind of multi-partism because
we are a tiny country with half million people.
Of course we should be
in a democratic system with the power to the people but with one President
and with one party.
Finally I invite all my
fellow Djiboutiens to think again and be United for the sake for the Republique.
from LA California