12/11/03 (B220) Tout en reconnaissant que Djibouti est une zone dangereuse pour les Américains, les USA lui accordent une aide de 90 millions de USD sur deux ans, ce qui place le pays en première place dans les aides américaines en Afrique, après le Soudan et le Kenya. (East African – en Anglais)

Country Set to Become
Biggest US Aid Recipient in Africa

The East African (Nairobi)

November 10, 2003

Posted to the web November 11, 2003

Kevin J. Kelley,
Special Correspondent

only US military base in sub-Saharan Africa, will soon receive an enormous
increase in American aid.

The tiny East African
country with a population of 650,000 is likely to get about $90 million both
this year and next for health, education and border policing, the American
Ambassador-designate to Djibouti told the US Senate last week. Djibouti,
which previously got about $7 million in annual aid, would suddenly qualify
as the largest recipient of US development aid in sub-Saharan Africa.

Sudan, which would be
relegated to second place, will receive about $81 million this year for reconstruction
efforts. Nigeria, the next-largest beneficiary, has a population almost 200
times larger than Djibouti’s, but is getting only two-thirds as much aid.
Djibouti’s $90 million total would also exceed the amounts for Uganda ($62
million) and Kenya ($50 million).

Djibouti is a « staunch
ally of the US and a key partner in the global struggle against terrorism, »
Marguerita Dianne Ragsdale said at a November 5 US Senate review of her nomination
to become the next American ambassador to Djibouti.

« What we are trying
to do is develop Djibouti as a nation. Because it is impoverished, it cannot
deliver the kinds of services to its population that its population demands
and deserves. »

Some 1, 500 US troops
are stationed at a base in Djibouti that serves as the East Africa operational
hub for Washington’s « war on terrorism. » From its headquarters in
Djibouti, the US Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa, conducts sea
and air surveillance in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, Indian Ocean and adjoining

Djibouti is a dangerous
destination for Americans, the State Department warned last month. Renewing
its three-month-old terrorism alert, the department advised US citizens to
reconsider any plans to visit Djibouti.

Note de l’ARDHD

Cette surenchère
américaine ne peut qu’attrister les défenseurs des Droits de
l’Homme qui voient dans ce geste américain démesuré un
soutien fort non seulement aux régime et système de Guelleh,
mais aussi à son portefeuille personnel.

De plus si on compare
au nombre d’habitants, versus le Soudan ou le Kenya, le montant est encore
plus important.

Les Français vont
avoir du mal à tenir leurs intérêts, face à une
telle ‘générosité’ … d’apparence, car il est plus que
probable que les USA ont une idée en contrepartie …