12/10/05 (B319) Mini Revue de presse compilée par un lecteur attentif.
1 – Nomination
Un nouveau président à la tête du conseil constitutionnel
Une cérémonie officielle mais brève a permis jeudi dernier, au siège du conseil constitutionnel de Djibouti, la passation de pouvoir entre désormais l’ancien président Omar Chirdon Abasss et l’actuel président Mohamed Warsama, nommé dernièrement à la tête de cette institution par le Président de la république M. Ismail Omar Guelleh.
Les membres du Conseil Constitutionnel étaient présents à cette cérémonie de passation dont Nima Ali, juge d’instruction et maître Fatouma Mahamoud Hassan,avocate au barreau. Le conseil est aussi composé de Maître Abdallah Kamil, et de M.Abdoulkader Ibrahim Issak, juge au tribunal de la première instance.
Notons que parmi les nominés au conseil constitutionnel, deux nominations sont effectuées par le président de la république et les deux autres nominations par le président du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature et l’autre du président de l’Assemblée Nationale.
2 – Alerte sur la pénurie d’eau à Djibouti et dans la région (en Anglais)
Lien avec le site : http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/CHAO-6GV4T7?OpenDocument
FEWS Djibouti Food Security Warning Sep 2005 – Livestock dependent areas face another harsh dry season
Despite the fact that recent Karan rains (July -September) have improved browse and water availability in most pastoral areas affected by drought (see Figure 1), the recovery of livestock productivity will require more time. Ongoing World Food Programme (WFP) food aid distributions are partially addressing household food deficits in these areas, but the food security situation is still considered precarious in these areas.
While some short term improvements in food security are expected, pasture, browse and water is unlikely to last through the long dry season (October – February ) in the inland zones, because the Karan season has not preformed well, particularly in the southern grazing areas.
In addition to poor pasture and water conditions, over the last four months, the cost of essential food and non-food items has increased singificnatly and is having a negative impact on the food security of both rural and urban poor households. This trend is expected to continue at least through Ramadan (October). As a result, casual labor opportunities are expected to decline, reducing income and food access for poor urban households.
The impact of increasing electricity costs on the livelihoods of the middle income urban housholds as a result of high international oil prices is also a serious concern, especially given the fact that government regular annual salary increases have been frozen for the last ten years.
WFP is expecetd to continue assisting 47,500 persons, including 7,000 agricultural gardeners with a full ration over a six month period, ending in January 2006. However, current food aid pledges (3,264 MT) under the emergency operation (EMOP) are 37 percent below the required amount (5,196 MT). Bilateral donations recived directly by the governement may fill the gap. However, even if sufficient resources are availbile, imporoved and coordinated targeting is requiered.
Due to poor pasture conditions, a massive early migration to the coastal garzing areas, which are expecting the Heys rains (October – February), is likely to occur immediately after the onset of the rains. This will result in intense competition over limited natural resources and will require close monitoring.