25/06/06 (B356_A) Selon une source établie à Addis Abeba (information diffusée le 11 juin), le Gouvernement Erythréen approvisionnerait clandestinement et gratuitement, depuis 2005, des groupes terroristes somaliens, en Armes légères et lourdes, mais aussi des Fronts de libération Omoro et Ogaden. Plusieurs aller et retour sur des Antonov (Avions présentant les plus grandes capacités de chargement) (Info lecteur)
Addis Ababa, June 11 – The Eritrean government has been generously providing military armaments to Al-Ithad, a Somali-based terrorist group, according to a UN Security Council monitoring body on Somalia.
The body said the Eritrean government has been supplying armaments to the group since October 2005.Over five shuttles of Antonov airplanes from Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, and a supply by sea delivered the armaments, it added.
An Amharic weekly newspaper, Iftin, quoted the monitoring body as saying that the armaments were delivered to Sheik Hassan Tahir Aweyi, the leader of Al-Ithad, which is a close ally of the outlawed terrorist Ethiopian groups like Oromo Liberation Front and Ogaden National Liberation Front.
The report said the flight route of the planes was Asmera-Galgudad-Dusamareb.
According to same report, the recent supply was delivered in March 2006 by an airplane flight number AB-69 that landed at the Lower Shebelle. The 900 huge box arms catches comprised anti-aircraft and tank missiles, explosives, remotely controlled bombs,1,000 Kalashnikovs etc., it elaborated.
The Eritrean government has a permanent representative, Elias Hayte Taze, who coordinates such clandestine activities, in addition to the disguised businessmen that visit Somalia for similar purposes, the paper stated. (END)