04/08/08 (B459) Press TV / Un juge régional de haut rang démissionne en Somalie pour protester contre la gestion gouvernementale et le manque de coordination entre les services officiels / Top Somali judge resigns amid crisis (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
A top regional judge has stepped down in Somalia in protest to the government’s mismanagement and lack of coordination among officials.
The Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Banadair and lower Shabelle region in southern Somali, Osman Ali Jiisow cited the ongoing crisis in the government as the cause of his resignation, Press TV correspondent reported.
Jiisow’s resignation was announced amid massive calls for Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed’s resignation over abuse of power, fraud and corruption allegations.
Somali leaders have conflicting views and each one is accusing the other of embezzlement and corruption, said the judge.
Recently, the Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde) dismissed Mogadishu mayor Mohammed Dheere, accusing him of orchestrating killing of civilians in the capital. Dheere’s dismissal led to the resignation of 10 cabinet ministers Sunday, which was meant to undermine Nur Adde’s position.
Jiisow also accused the Somali government and its allied Ethiopian forces of committing crimes, massacres and displacing thousands of Somali civilians.
The US-backed Ethiopian forces invaded Somalia and started an armed conflict with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) fighters before July 20, 2006 in an attempt to back Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG). The UIC seeks the execution of rule of Sharia -Islamic law- in Somalia.