04/09/08 (B463-B) Shabelle / Discussion au Parlement sur les termes de l’accord signé à Addis Abeba entre le Président du GNT et son premier Ministre. MPs receive President, PM’s agreement in Ethiopia articles (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
The legislative body members have been distributed for today the agreement signed by Somali president and the premier in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
In a meeting they held at ADC (parliament centre) in Baidoa town the MPs had to take delivery of the piece of writings of the agreement.
The article are including:-
The resigned ministers will be included originally in the cabinet
– The three ministers appointed by the PM approved by the president.
The C.E.O. of today’s session Osman Elmi Boqore has informed to the MPs to read out the article and to give their views.
The second phase of the meeting will take place on Thursday.
Festering disagreement between the two senior Somali leaders escalated last month after Hussein sacked the mayor of Mogadishu, a close ally of the president, who reinstated the mayor in a decree revoking the prime minister’s decision as unconstitutional.
Some pro-president ministers in the cabinet of Hussein’s government resigned, accusing the premier of incompetence and misuse of state funds.
The two leaders are expected to brief the Somali national parliament Thursday about their agreement, the content of which has not been officially released.
Lawmakers have also debated and voted No-confidence vote against PM Nor Adde’s government it survived.
President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein have been squabbling for weeks, since Hussein fired a key ally of the president who was ally to the president.