14/06/03 (B202) Selon une dépêche publiée en Anglais sur le site Arabic.com, les autorités du Quatar auraient démenti avoir la moindre implication dans une médiation entre Djibouti et son voisin le Yémen. (Info lecteur)
______________ Note de l’ARDHD.
Cette information confirmerait-elle que les relations entre Guelleh et ses voisins ne sont pas « au beau fixe » ?
D’abord le Yémen, avec l’annulation d’une visite officielle selon les termes de la dépêche, mais il paraît que le climat n’est pas meilleur en ce moment du côté de l’Ethiopie … ! »
De plus, il faut noter que l’ADI et La Nation se seraient montrées particulièrement discrètes, quant à l’annulation éventuelle de cette visite officielle de Guelleh au Yémen et aux excuses ‘diplomatiques’ qui auraient pu avoir été évoquées.
Mais il faut attendre une confirmation … Les services diplomatiques ayant l’art de transformer une visite officielle en une simple réunion de travail, pour sauver les apparences.
______________________________________________ »
Qatar denies mediation
between Yemen, Djibouti
Yemen-Qatar, Politics, 6/13/2003
Qatar’s foreign minister
Hamad Bin Jasem Bin Jaber al-Thani denied in a press statement any Qatari
mediation between Yemen and Djibouti. This denial comes at a time when the
Amir of Qatar, Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani started on Wednesday an official
visit to Yemen for two days in the course of a tour during which he will also
visit Djibouti.
Al-Sahwa website, the
mouthpiece of the opposition Yemeni coalition party for reforms quoted diplomatic
sources in Sanaa as saying that a political crisis is looming in the horizons
between Sanaa and Djibouti, without explaining the reason of the crisis.
The sources attributed own perception to that the President of Djibouti
Ismael Omar Ghella abrogated his visit to Sanaa which was due last week.
The sources said that
the visit of the Amir of Qatar to each of Yemen and Djibouti falls in the
course of mediation to settle differences between the two states.
A Yemeni diplomatic source
indicated last Thursday the postponement of the visit of the President of
Djibouti to Yemen which was due last Tuesday. The source said that the reasons
of postponement are because of « urgent obligations. » Upon his arrival
Sheikh Hamad held close door meetings with the Yemeni President Ali Abdullah
Saleh during which they exchanged views on the development of conditions in
the region, especially conditions in occupied Palestine in light of the recent
Israeli escalation.
Official sources representing
the two sides said that the visit of Sheikh Hamad to Sanaa and the talks he
held with the Yemeni President fall in the context of joint consultations
and coordination between the two states regarding various challenges facing
the Arab situation in the current phase.