01/07/06 (B357-A) La crise en Somalie : selon une dépêche publiée par Allafrica.com, les troupes éthiopiennes auraient franchi la frontière somalienne et auraient pris le contrôle de Beledawo, district de Gedo (Allafrica.com, en anglais, info lecteur)
Ethiopian Forces Take Control of Somali Town, Source Says
Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)
July 1, 2006
Posted to the web July 1, 2006
Reports from Somalia southwest region of Gedo indicate Ethiopian armed forces interred parts of the region creating tensions.
Source in Beledhawo district of Gedo region told Shabelle Radio that Ethiopian troops with nine armed vehicles took control of the town after crossing the border with Somalia near Dolo.
The commanders of the Ethiopian forces that interred Beledhawo have taken meetings with Local authorities, businessmen and intellectuals in the town.
It’s unclear yet the outcome of the meetings they had with locals but some sources indicate that Ethiopian Authorities are trying to make sure people living there are not hosting feuds.
« They set bases around the town and we don’t know what the intension is » a local resident said in condition of anonymity for his safety.
The move comes amid Ethiopian prime minister Meles Zanawi vowed defending Somalia weak transitional government based in Baidoa.