13/05/07 (B395) LDDH : Les Nations Unies sont passées à Mogadiscio : le silence est choquant ; rien sur l’occupation du Sud de la Somalie, qui devient un autre Darfour !
NOTE Les Nations Unies sont passées |
l’Ambassadeur François Fall, c’est la deuxième personnalité
des Nations unies à se rendre hier à Mogadiscio. Ils ont inéluctablement
constaté le drame réel, il est regrettable,que fasse partie
des disparus forcés des dignitaires, juste avant les visites des émissaires
des Nations Unies.
Jusqu’à présent, à notre connaissance pas une réaction
officielle, peut-être que les Nations unies attendent l’aval de Washington
pour dénoncer, avant condamnation, le génocide sur les populations
civiles, les disparitions et la chasse à l’homme à Mogadiscio
par les Troupes Ethiopiennes, ainsi que les crimes de guerre contre le peuple
du Sud de la Somalie.
Lueurs d’espoir après les déclarations d’un membre du Congrès
américain. Espérons que le Conseil des Nations Unies des Droits
de l’Homme agira contre ces crimes.
La Ligue Djiboutienne des Droits Humains (LDDH) avait, dès le début,
tiré l’attention sur les dangers de « Bagdadisation » de
la Corne d’Afrique.
Les alliances qui se nouent, ne peuvent qu’inquiéter les défenseurs
de la Corne d’Afrique, sur les bruits de bottes qui résonnent, avec
la complicité de certaines grandes puissances, entre l’Ethiopie et
Les réfugiés somalies qui ont obtenu une terre d’asile en Erythrée
craignent des bombardements collatéraux sur Massawa, comme à
la frontière du Kenya côté Somalie par des avions américains
sous prétexte de terrorisme.
La Ligue Djiboutienne des Droits Humains (LDDH) lance un Appel pressant à
la Commission Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples (CADHP) réunie
à Accra depuis hier pour dénoncer tous les crimes et génocides
dans la Corne d’Afrique et l’envoie de Commissions d’Enquête dans notre
La Ligue Djiboutienne des Droits Humains (LDDH) soutient et adhère
to Heads of State
EHAHRD-Net’s statement to all East and Horn of Africa Heads of State:
the 12th of May 2007, on the Occasion of the opening of the Forum on the participation
of NGOs in the 41st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights, and the 15th African Human rights Book Fair, in Accra , Ghana;
the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network calls upon members
of the UN Africa Group, together with other regional groups, to support strong
reforms at the UN Human Rights Council in its fifth and final session of its
inaugural year from June 11-18. The Network urges African countries to work
together in the next two months to ensure that the UN Human Rights Council
adopts mechanisms that will strengthen its ability to address human rights
violations across the world.
The Network is particularly calling on the Council to preserve the independence
and flexibility of the system of ‘Special Procedures’ that monitor human rights
worldwide », and « establish a universal periodic review (UPR), that
involves independent experts and non-governmental stakeholders at all stages. »
Finally, the Network urges the Council to « demonstrate an increased willingness
to act on urgent human rights situations in a balanced and proactive way. »
The Human Rights
Council (HRC) was set up in 2006 to strengthen protection for victims of human
rights abuses worldwide. Three crucial areas of the building process are being
looked at. The Universal Periodic Review, the ongoing review of Special Procedures
and the HRC agenda and programme of work.
Universal Periodic Review mechanism (UPR)
. Through
the UPR, the HRC will review the human rights situation in all member states
of the UN and this should be conducted in a manner which ensures universality
of coverage and equal treatment with respect to all states.
. We propose that a team of independent experts be put in place to provide
technical support for the UPR. Their inclusion will provide added value by
providing specialized knowledge to the UPR process.
. We appreciate
the need for a follow-up mechanism as a way of ensuring real impact of the
UPR on the ground. The appointment of rapporteurs would help to provide feedback
to the Council on the implementation of its recommendations in addition to
bridging the gap between the Council and human rights defenders in member
. We value the role of experts and NGOs in the UPR process through providing
credible information, participating in the review itself and engaging in discussion
concerning the outcome of the review. In this regard therefore, the role of
national, regional and international NGOs including those that do not have
ECOSOC consultative status cannot be underestimated.
. We further stress the role of the UPR in providing substantial input to
human rights protection as envisaged by the General Assembly resolution 60/251.
As such, the UPR deserves a place on the HRC’s agenda in order to provide
a just forum that both states and human rights victims deserve.
. The office of the High Commissioner for human rights should prepare an evaluation
and assessment of the country situation not forgetting to consider information
from the state under review, non-governmental organizations, national human
rights institutions, regional bodies and other relevant UN and human rights
. Every state should be reviewed at least once every four years through the
UPR carried out in parallel working groups.
2. Review
of Special Procedures
. Over
the past thirty years, the work of the Special Procedures has resulted in
crucial relief to victims of human rights abuses and provided a rich source
of reflection on a range of human rights issues. The current review of the
Special Procedures must enhance this important tool.
. We suggest that retention of country mandates be done after evaluating the
human rights situation of a particular country and the potential contribution
the country rapporteur can make towards improving the situation. Country rapporteurs
would enable the HRC to respond quickly and effectively to the most pressing
human rights situations.
. While acknowledging the need for the protection of the Special Procedures,
we wish to stress that this should not compromise the independence of mandate
holders in addressing the responsibilities of governments to cooperate with
Special Procedures.
. Special Procedure
mandate holders’ conduct should be guided by best practices, and their working
methods should remain flexible in order to be effective.
. The Council should continue the practice of selecting mandate holders through
a process of appointment by the President of the Council.
. A pre-screening process for eligibility against clear criteria should be
put in place to enhance transparency of the appointment process.
. We also stress the need to respect the work of mandate holders, including
allowing unimpeded visits and prompt responses to their communications and
recommendations. The Council should further ensure that all UN member states
observe this provision less of which, punitive measures should be effected
since all states are emphasizing cooperation and dialogue.
. When adopted, the code of conduct should be limited to professional ethics
and principles; adhere to the guidelines outlined above, and address the responsibilities
of both mandate holders and states.
3. The HRC’s
Agenda and programme of work
. The agenda
is an important element in ensuring the HRC’s capacity to deal with the full
range of human rights issues in a timely and effective manner. It must therefore,
follow a fine line of flexibility, so as not to limit the HRC’s work.
. In recognition of the fact that human rights situations are volatile and
could change in a very small space of time within a given year, we suggest
that the HRC develops a mechanism whereby more pressing issues can be attended
to with the urgency they deserve.
. Review of the Council’s human rights situations shall be greatly improved
if the agenda included a mechanism that would ensure Council follow-up both
at routine intervals and on priority basis for urgent matters and situations.
. We call upon the HRC to put in place a gender-sensitive mechanism that addresses
issues concerning the human rights of women. This would require regular planning
and evaluation to ensure the integration of a gender perspective throughout
the Council’s work.
For further information on this statement please contact,
Hassan Shire Sheikh,
Chairperson EHAHRDP/
Net: +233-249832702
(Note that this is his temporary contact during his stay in
Ghana until May 22nd 2007)