30/07/08 (B458) Press TV / Pour la première fois, es forces éthiopiennes en Somalie accusées de Génocide par le Gouverneur de la région Hiiran, qui affirme que les massacres se poursuivent / Ethiopians accused of genocide in Somalia (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
The Governor of the Somali Hiiran region accuses the Ethiopian troops of genocide as he along with other people tries to escape the region.
It was the first time Governor Mohamed Ahmed Dhaga-Weyne pointed a finger of blame at the Ethiopian soldiers for the ongoing genocide in the Hiiran region, according to the Press TV correspondent in Somalia.
“Ethiopians have killed hundreds of women and children, and they have forced thousands to leave the region,” the Governor told reporters.
“The genocide is still going on,” said Mohamed Ahmed, while confirming that he was among many who were fleeing the region.