03/08/08 (B459) SABA (Yémen) – La récente mise en garde du Gouvernement Français déconseillant à ses concitoyens des voyages au Yémen, est injustifiée, selon le Ministre yéménite des A.E. / French caution over traveling to Yemen is unjustified, says al-Qirbi (Info lecteur – En Anglais)
SANA’A, Aug. 02 (Saba)- Recent warning of France for its citizens over traveling to Yemen was unjustified, Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi said.
Al-Qirbi said such warning was unjustified because security bodies have taken all measures to face terror acts and protect foreign citizens in the country
Such warning serves terrorist and terror acts happened in different regions of the world not only in Yemen, al-Qirbi said.
He caked for gathering efforts against terrorism.
Lately, the French government advised its citizens don’t travel to Yemen due to security reasons, asking its citizens in Yemen to practice caution due to increase security risks in the country during the few months ago.