04/09/08 (B463-B) Shabelle. Selon les déclarations d’un parlementaire somalien, les Ethiopiens sont en train de coloniser son pays. Somali MP says Ethiopia colonizes Somalia (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
One of Somalia’s legislative body members has announced that Ethiopia laid claims to Somalia.
Reacting on the transitional government’s remarks regarding capturing of Kismayo town from the islamists Osman Elmi Boqore has told Shabelle that Ethiopia dictated for the government to recapture Kismayo to make possible that Ethiopian troops to move out to the town that has significant port.
Ethiopia wants to seize where ever it interests in Somalia to acquire supplementary economic because Ethiopia is landlocked, Somalis seized the town only Somalis can also recapture no Ethiopians Boqore said.
Regarding on the agreement signed by the president and the prime minister in Ethiopia Boqre has pointed out that it was erroneous accord since they didn’t in person agreed as he put it.
They have been read out for what they agreed, they have to agree as leaders of nation Boqore further said.
It’s the first kind or speech from Somali MP who stated that Ethiopia seized Somalia and take possession of.