06/09/08 (B464) Shabelle. Une unité combattante suspendue par l’Administration du district de Walaweyn, après que la ville ait été prise par les insurgés, qui en assurent le contrôle. Troops dissolved after Islamists seizure (En Anglais – Info lecteur)

The administration of Walaweyn district of lower Shabelle region has suspended the troops of the town after alshabab fighters have seized the town from the regional forces on Friday officials said.

The officials of the administration have also discharged the prisoners in the running detention centers as well they brought to end still the extortion money they used to take from the vehicles.

The residents of the region have expressed thankfulness on the release of the inmates.

The town is now under Alshabab control although it’s yet unknown whether they will maintain their presence in the town.

The Somali government could not be reached for comment.

Fighting in the Horn of Africa country killed some 6,500 civilians last year in Mogadishu alone and more than 1 million Somalis have fled their homes as a result of the insurgency, most of which has been centred in the capital.