07/02/09 (B485) Shabelle – L’un des porte-paroles des insurgés somaliens demande une enquête sur l’assassinat du directeur de la station Horn Afrik. Insurgent official calls for Somalis to investigate the killing of Horn Afrik director (En Anglais)
Mohamed Ibrahim Bilal, one of the Somali Islamist insurgents in the Somalia capital Mogadishu has called for the Somali people on Saturday to investigate the assassination of Horn Afrik radio director Said Tahliil Ahmed.
Deceased Said Tahliil Ahmed, Horn Afrik radio director was killed on Wednesday by unidentified militias in the open air market of Bakara in Mogadishu after all the local radio directors were called to attend a conference by members of the Islamists.
Mr. Bilal said that the murderers should be pursued and bring before the court and sentence what the Sharia law orders to follow adding that the people should protect those who commit such brutal actions and crimes against the Islamic law.
The statement of Mr. Bilal comes as the spokesman of Islamic Courts Union Abdirahin Isse Addow called for the Somali people earlier to take their weapon to defend themselves from those who accustomed hunting the people.