15/02/09 (B486) Shabelle. Selon des témoignages de la population et de notables, les militaires Ethiopiens sont re-rentrés en Somalie dans la ville de Mustahil (après leur départ). Ils auraient « confisqué », à leur profit, de nombreux camions et moyens de transport. Le Gouvernement éthiopien dément. // Ethiopian troops hijack more vehicles in Mustahil town (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
The Ethiopian soldiers have hijacked more Somali Lorries in Mustahil town in the regional state of Somalia in Ethiopia, witnesses told Shabelle radio on Sunday.
Ethiopia pulled out its troops from Somalia last month as a part of an agreement between the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia and the transitional government. But residents and clan elders said that the Ethiopian troops have re-entered Somalia, which Ethiopia denied strongly.
Reports from the region say that the Ethiopian troops have hijacked several trucks those most of them were lorries from Baladweyn town in central Somalia and carrying different goods including fuel, vegetables, and more other goods to Wardheer province in the regional state of Somalia in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian troops have been pouring in the border between Somalia and Ethiopia over the past weeks and increasing hijacking the civilian trucks those carry goods and travel on the roads that connect between Somalia and Ethiopia.
Sources say that the Ethiopian troops use the trucks as military vehicles deploying troops and taking military supply during consecutive operations they conduct in over there and it is unclear why the Ethiopians hijack the Somali trucks yet.