02/05/06 (B348-B) Une grande première ?? Selon une dépêche de la BBC, le Gouvernement hollandais a suspendu une aide de 150 millions de US $ au Gouvernement Kenyan pour excés de corruption. Cet exemple va-t-il faire tâche d’huile ? (En anglais / info lecteur)
_______________________ Note de l’ARDHD
C’est une première mais certainement pas une dernière. De plus en plus la communauté internationale va se lasser de financer en pure perte des Gouvernements qui détournent les aides et qui asservissent leur population.
On peut espérer que la France adopte un jour cette démarche vertueuse et qu’elle finance des gourvernements et/ou des oppositions qui le méritent et qui redistribueront aux peuples, qui eux, en ont véritablement besoin, les aides nécessaires pour leur survie et pour leur développement.
Nous sommes en faveur des aides internationales pour les populations, mais pas des aides qui contribuent à enrichir et à renforcer des régimes dictatoriaux et sanguinaires.
__________________________________ Extrait de la BBC
Dutch halt Kenya aid over graft
The Dutch government has suspended nearly $150m in aid to Kenya because of concerns over corruption.
Dutch Development Co-operation Minister Agnes van Ardenne said her government wanted to see « more tangible results in the fight against corruption in Kenya ».
Kenyan officials said the move was based on a misconception.
The IMF and the World Bank have recently said they were withholding millions of dollars in aid to Kenya because of concerns over corruption.
Analysts said the decision by the Dutch government is a further blow to President Mwai Kibaki, who had appealed for funds for millions of people in need of food aid.
Embezzlement row
The Dutch government said it wanted to see more action before it re-started its 118m euros ($148m) aid programme to Kenya.
The Netherlands will continue to put pressure on the Kenyan government. The Dutch government wants greater clarity in measuring and monitoring corruption. Dutch Minister Agnes van Ardenne
« The reason is that the Kenyan government has not produced enough proof of success in its fight against corruption, » Ms van Ardenne said in a statement.
« The Dutch government is also concerned to see more tangible results, » the minister added.
The suspended aid was aimed at supporting educational and environmental programmes.
President Kibaki was elected in 2002 on a pledge to tackle corruption which plagued previous administrations.
But Kenya has recently been rocked by a major corruption scandal – the so-called Anglo Leasing scam.
Two senior ministers implicated in the alleged $200m embezzlement scheme have resigned. They say they are innocent.
‘Dependency mentality’
Kenyan officials said they were disappointed by the Dutch move, arguing that the government was doing a lot to tackle corruption.
They also pledged to reduce the country’s dependency on foreign aid.
« Dependency has over the years led to the mentality that we can only develop if funded by outsiders, » Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua said.
« The government believes that true development can only be achieved when one is self-dependent and.. works with friends, » the spokesman added.