12/05/08 (B447) Press TV : les troupes éthiopiennes tuent 6 civils en Somalie – Ethiopian troops kill 6 Somali civilians (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
Ethiopian troops have detained a number of Somali civilians and killed six of them, in an operation in north Mogadishu, a report says.
Ethiopians soldiers detained more than 85 civilians including at least 20 women in a large-scale operation in Towfiq District in north Mogadishu. They then tossed the bodies of six of the men out of their base, Press TV correspondent reported, Sunday.
The women, however, were released soon after the raid, the report said.
The killing has caused great apprehension among the people who are worried about the fate of their relatives captured by the soldiers.
There were no immediate comments from the Ethiopian army about the fate of the rest of the arrested people.