04/09/08 (B463-B) Shabelle / Libération d’un tanzanien, détenu en Somalie, qui avait été capturé par le FBI et probablement torturé par les US, au Kenya au motif de soupçons sur son implication dans le terrorisme afghan. Freed Tanzanian prisoner says Somali world handed over him. (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
By: Abdinasir Guled
The Red Cross Society has brought home a Tanzanian who had been arrested on suspicion of being an international terrorist.
Suleiman Abdallah Salim, aka Morris, from Zanzibar, was brought back to the country last Saturday (30 August) from Afghanistan (break in reception) told the media that he was arrested in Somalia in 2003 while fishing.
He said he was later handed over to US FBI officers, who took him first to Kenya for interrogation, then later back to Somalia, [words indistinct] before being held in a terror suspects’ detention facility in Afghanistan.
Suleiman, whose (fingers are broken), said before he was taken back home to Zanzibar, he was asked where he wanted to go and live; whether in the UK or USA, but he said he refused because he had not seen his parents in a long time.
He said when he was arrested, he was suspected of being a Somali, and was later asked whether he knew the following people: (?Magafan, Mongowan) and Kohan [phonetic]. He admitted knowing them, and said they were his friends.
Another Tanzanian citizen [words indistinct] suspected of involvement in the 1998 US embassy bombing in Nairobi and Da es Salaam is being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.