14/11/08 (B473-B) Shabelle. Le Président du GNT et son Premier Ministre ont été convoqués par l’Ethiopie pour la deuxième fois, afin d’avoir des discussions à Addis Abeba pour mettre un terme à leurs divergences au sujet de l’établissement de la liste des Ministres. // Somali leaders in Ethiopia for the second time. (En Anglais – Info lecteur)
The two top Somali government leaders have arrived in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, envoy confirmed to Shabelle.
Sources close to the president and the premier say that the two leaders have been called upon to arrive in Ethiopia after their divergences came out.
The president is reportedly rebuffed to sign the cabinet list submitted to him by the premier to replace quitted ministers those ally to the president.
Although it’s yet unknown who invited the two leaders to arrive in Addis Ababa some reports received by Shabelle say that Ethiopian premier Meles Zenawe has expressed vehemence the protracted disagreements between the two top Somali leaders.
The president advocates to appoint new cabinet and to add resigned minister support him.
It’s the second that President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime minister Nor Adde have been summoned to come to Ethiopian capital to come to an end their disagreements.
Critics blame the two leaders that it’s humiliation the two leaders to call for them like the current summons, also this matter could make inert the alleged resolve regarding the disagreements between the two transitional government leaders.