20/02/11 (B592) Communiqué d’Afar Action Alliance (USA – En Anglais) Djibouti’s attack on peaceful protestors must stop! // Le Gouvernement doit cesser d’attaquer les manifestants pacifiques
The Djibouti government should stop what appears to be organized attacks on pro Democracy demonstrators. yesterday Friday February 18 2011, Guelleh’s government initiated attacks on peaceful demonstrators which resulted in few dead and dozens Injured.
government should hold those responsible to account. the government has a Responsibility not only to respect the rights of peaceful assembly and expression But also to protect protesters from violent attacks. we call on Djibouti government to immediately release dozens of civilians that was arrested yesterday without any conditions
We also call on United States and European union to use their leverage with Djibouti government to ensure that there is no further violence Against peaceful protesters.
It is a basic human right to speak out freely against injustice and tyranny.
Afar Action Alliance ( AAA)
P O BX 582143
Minneapolis, MN 55458